Media Hier ist eine kleine Auswahl an Songs wo ich zu hören bin reasebass 🎸 Bassist – rec & live sessions 🚐 On tour – @wethesouls 🎼 Music lessons äs si unscharfi ziitä, wenn eim fasch di ganzi t Magic Hour by @teoriah #basslove #bassgram #bassv winterdays are the perfect legitimation to stay at I found the passion for transcribing basslines aga made myself a birthday present: One week of Hiking This #basslines by @lennykravitz made me love this session with my so called jazztrio…looking forwa Use 🎧 for the lows Thin neck, smooth strings a nice little progression by @vulfpeck to jamalong w This song recently came into my life…I just love chords on bass sounds awesome! so I started to pra great cover by @pomplamoosemusic ❤️ sofa chill with pinky and mom’s socks! yesterdays rehearsal with @frank_sellin and janheg On a session with @funkysuperspreaders Always fun Rehearsal with my jazz trio…always fun and unexp indeed two very important things to me! have a nic Sequence of 5 notes played in triplets…do it all Mehr laden Auf Instagram folgen Impressionen von einem Konzert von The Souls im Dachstock fotografiert am 13.11.2021 in Bern. (Manuel Lopez) Impressionen von einem Konzert von The Souls im Dachstock fotografiert am 13.11.2021 in Bern. (Manuel Lopez)